Smear Test Tips – ie: Don’t fear the smear!

Cervical Check provide free smear tests to women between the age of 25-60 in Ireland. Regular testing is usually every 3 years, though if any follow up is due, it might be more frequent. The test looks for any changes in your cervix that might indicate pre-cancerous cells or other cervical abnormalities. It takes a matter of minutes.

This summer, the process was dragged into the spotlight due to a scandal over missed and mishandled results.

Given my personal circumstances, I decided to avail of the free re-testing clinic that my doctor’s surgery was offering, and booked in.

Are smears pleasant? Nope. However they are potential life-savers. Even given the recent controversies, the advice is and always should be: keep up to date with your screening!

I’m no authority on the matter, but I thought I’d share a few hints that I use to make mine go a bit better for myself…

  1. Wear a skirt. I find the process is easier if I’m not clambering in and out of jeans or trousers. No messing around with belt buckles. Socks on or off? The stress! Just wear a skirt, it makes me feel a bit less “al fresco” too, though the smear taker will cover you up a bit so you’re not on display too much.
  2. Nervous? Say so! Your smear taker wants this to go smoothly and comfortably for you, so if you’re nervous, tell them. They will offer you a bit of advice on positioning, they’ll fill nervous conversation gaps with chatter, they’ll reassure you and try to make you comfy as possible. Don’t be shy.
  3. Plastic speculum. This feeds into the point above. When I started getting smear tests (approx 12 years ago!), I was really nervous and my cervix practically sealed itself shut. My smear taker was sound as a pound and told me she’d use a plastic speculum (which is apparently a bit gentler than the steel one), and she also ran it under warm water for me to take the chill off it a bit! I’m told that nowadays, most practices use the plastic ones, but I still ask, to be sure 🙂
  4. Smear takers aren’t judging. Are your undies skimpy? Granny-ish? Is my fanny MAD hairy? Is it the hairiest fanny they’ve ever seen? Am I at a point in my cycle where I smell a little? AM I WEIRD DOWN THERE?? Your smear taker doesn’t care about any of these things. They care only about getting the cell sample quickly and efficiently. The only thing they look at is your cervix, honestly. I swear.
  5. Be prepared. I take a panty liner with me when I go, just in case the brush makes me bleed a little, it happens. Also feel free to bring a painkiller/paracetemol too, in case it makes you a bit crampy.
  6. CAKE. Make a plan with yourself for afterwards to go for a cuppa and a slice of cake, or a manicure, or something nice.
  7. Give yourself a high five. You’ve done it! xx

Penguin, Emm Roy

You can get loads more info about cervical screening on or from your GP. xx