Shipping out

We had some annual leave carried over from last year, so we decided to take a trip to England to see Barry’s family during his niece and nephew’s mid term break.

Just before Christmas, we took on a new addition to our band: a 9 year old yellow foot tortoise who I call “The Creature”, so we had her to consider.

I could say that finding boarding for her was too much hassle/too expensive…. but to be honest, I’ve become really attached to her and I was just reluctant to leave her for a full week, so we looked into taking the ferry to England instead of flying over.

I had reservations… the crossing is long compared to flying, it’s a hefty drive the other end from Cairnryan… but I have to say I really enjoyed it.


No airport hassle – not having to be there 2 hours before hand for security and checking in, no worrying about hand luggage restrictions and whether my underwire was going to trigger a security alert (Every. Single. Time.) We didn’t even have to show ID as we were travelling from Belfast to Scotland.

We really enjoy road trips… as it happens, we actually both really enjoy hopping in to the car and exploring, so the drive down from Scotland wasn’t really a chore after all.

The Creature handled the journey really well, we tucked her up in a shoe box with newspaper and a hot water bottle underneath to keep her toasty, however, at times she was far more interested in climbing up to my shoulder for a good look. Nosey tortoise!!

I have to say, it worked out really well.  🙂

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